Gendered Perceptions and the Costs of Political Toxicity: Experimental Evidence from Politicians and Citizens in Four Democracies
American Political Science Review. Forthcoming.
(with Anne Rasmussen)
News Sharing on Social Media: Mapping the Ideology of News Media, Politicians, and the Mass Public
Political Analysis. 2025, 33 (2).
(with Richard Bonneau, Joshua Tucker & Jonathan Nagler)
Statistical software;
Software instructions
Data: Ideology scores for news organizations (e.g.,
Data: Ideology scores of members of Congress (116th Congress)
The Unequal Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Political Interest Representation
Political Behavior. 2024, 46 (1).
(with Anne Rasmussen)
Do Violent Protests Affect Expressions of Party Identity? Evidence from the Capitol Insurrection
American Political Science Review. 2023, 117 (3).
(with Frederik Hjorth & Peter Thisted Dinesen)
Exposure to the Russian Internet Research Agency Foreign Influence Campaign on Twitter in the 2016 US Election and its Relationship to Attitudes and Voting Behavior
Nature Communications. 2023, 14 (62).
(with Tom Paskhalis, Jan Zilinsky, Richard Bonneau, Jonathan Nagler & Joshua Tucker)
Does International Terrorism affect Public Attitudes toward Refugees? Evidence from a Large-scale Natural Experiment
Journal of Politics. 2022, 84 (1).
(with Charles Breton)
Measuring Uncertainty about Candidate Ideology: An Application to US Presidential Elections
Journal of Politics. 2021, 83 (2).
(with Peter Loewen)
Cross-Platform State Propaganda: Russian Trolls on Twitter and YouTube during the 2016 US Presidential Election
International Journal of Press/Politics. 2020, 25 (3).
(with Yevgeniy Golovchenko, Cody Buntain, Megan Brown & Joshua Tucker)
Presidential Greatness in a Polarized Era: Results from the Latest Presidential Greatness Survey
PS: Political Science & Politics. 2020, 53 (3).
(with Brandon Rottinghaus & Justin S. Vaughn)
How Many People Live in Political Bubbles on Social Media? Evidence from Linked Survey and Twitter Data.
SAGE Open. 2019, 9 (1).
(with Jonathan Nagler, Andrew Guess, Joshua Tucker & Jan Zilinsky)
Statistical Analysis of Misreporting on Sensitive Survey Questions.
Political Analysis. 2017, 25 (2).
Statistical software;
Software instructions