Field Experiments: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation
W. W. Norton & Company, 2012.
Alan S. Gerber, and Donald P. Green
(Chapters 3, 4, & 5) -
The Effects of Canvassing, Telephone Calls, and Direct Mail on Voter Turnout: A Field Experiment
American Political Science Review, 2000: 94 (3): 653-663.
Alan S. Gerber and Donald P. Green
* Only skim this reading. We’re replicating this in class, so just get a basic idea of the experimental setup and read and understand the results
Channeling Fisher: Randomization Tests and the Statistical Insignificance of Seemingly Significant Experimental Results
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2019: 134 (2): 557-598.
Alwyn Young -
The Design of Field Experiments With Survey Outcomes: A Framework for Selecting More Efficient, Robust, and Ethical Designs
Political Analysis, 2017: 25 (4): 435-464.
David E. Broockman, Joshua L. Kalla, and Jasjeet S. Sekhon
In-class exercise
Demonstration script: .R
Demonstration data: Gerber and Green (2000)