
  1. Mastering ‘Metrics: The Path from Cause to Effect
    Princeton University Press, 2014.
    Joshua D. Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke
    (Chapter 3)

  2. Misdemeanor Disenfranchisement? The Demobilizing Effects of Brief Jail Spells on Potential Voters
    American Political Science Review, 2018.
    Ariel White


Instrumental Variables Estimation in Political Political Science: A Readers’ Guide
American Journal of Political Science, 2011.
Allison J. Sovey and Donald P. Green

Instrumental variables estimates are local average treatment effects, specific to “compliers” (i.e. those who are affected by the instrument). The following article (and its accompanying statistical software) allows you to understand who the “compliers” are.

Profiling Compliers and Noncompliers for Instrumental-Variables Analysis
Political Analysis, 2020.
Moritz Marbach and Dominik Hangartner

In-class exercise

Exercise R script: IV_exercise_for_students.R
Exercise data: defendants_voter1_deidentified.Rdata