In this class, I will provide you with a better understanding of R: loading data; cleaning and manipulating data; and merging/joining data sets.
Tidy Data
Journal of Statistical Software, 2014, 59 (10): 1-23.
Hadley Wickham -
Tricks for Cleaning your Data in R
Tutorial, 2017: 1-12.
Christine Zhang -
Data Wrangling Cheat Sheet
dplyr & tidyr Cheat Sheet
In-class exercise
Gapminder data: GM.csv
(you will probably need to right click and “Save as” this file)
Russian IRA data: GitHub repo
Russian IRA dataset 1 of 13: Local data
Please complete the following DataCamp short courses. You do not need to complete the modules related to data visualization, which will be for class two weeks from now.